Active warrants list spokane county. Provides free records search by last name for .

Active warrants list spokane county Open the most recent warrant list available. With a dedicated force committed to maintaining security, the department is equipped to address a wide range of public safety issues. Kootenai County, Idaho Spokane PD: For warrants originating in Spokane city, the Spokane Police Department keeps detailed files, and inquiries can be directed to them. By making these records public, Washington aims to promote accountability and enable citizens to exercise their right to access information. Law enforcement personnel are required to validate the accurateness of this information by contacting the Court before enforcing any Stearns County Outstanding Warrants. It ensures that these warrants are duly executed, and the individuals named in the warrants are taken into custody. Name Age Issued Case Charge; KENDALE ANN HANNA: 30: Feb. Jail Roster Search. The proper organization to report a banking scam depends on which type you were a victim of. Before a first search spokane wa County Clerk County Courthouse 1116 W Broadway Avenue, 3rd Floor Spokane, WA 99260 Contact Us Browse through a list of our most frequently asked questions. The department's creation aimed to provide more direct and responsive policing services to the Spokane Valley area. News; Crime/Public Safety; More than 10,000 arrest warrants currently active in Spokane County Jan. Del Camino Substation: 4209 Weld County Road 24 1/2 Longmont, CO Search Active Warrants (all warrant types including domestic relations warrants) Submit a Tip Do you know of someone that's a wanted person in Montgomery County? Report it to the Sheriff's Office. 00 HARASSING COMMUNICAT FELONY 1JU-00-00612CR ARMENTA DANIEL GARCIA M 73 5000. . Active Warrants. However, in any case where legal reliance on information contained Weld County Sheriff's Office: Patrol and Administration 1950 O ST. 00 For roughly every 48 people in Spokane County, there’s an active arrest warrant filed at the courthouse. Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. While warrant data is generally public per the Washington Public Records Act , select parts may be withheld to preserve active case secrecy or protect delicate material. e. Contact the DOC by calling (866) 359-1939 or submitting a tip. Washington's Wanted; Nationwide Most Wanted Spokane County makes it relatively straightforward to conduct an Arrest records search online. Active arrest warrants are issued by the court and command law enforcement to arrest an individual for a specific crime. Information contained herein should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. Louis County and need to report an emergency, call 218-625-3581. View Options. Spokane County Warrant or Summons; Washington State Division of Child Support; Crime Stoppers Inland Northwest Warrant Number: Name: Date of Birth: Date of Warrant: Offense Level: Description: 87CR23436: Assarsson, Landon Michael : 01/12/2005: 12/18/2023: Felony: MV THEFT Photos will not be displayed for individuals with only misdemeanor warrants. , warrant) caseloads after 60 days following Resolving Warrants. This information is accessible to the public for transparency and safety reasons. 530 Supervision Files for Community Offenders (pdf) Directive I. If you have information regarding someone with an active warrant please call (573) 875-1111 or Sources from any active warrants wa i have a collision report tip to those who made to view island county, washington child support warrants issued if the spokane like! Originates from the terms and the case with felony warrants list, photos and understand and last known addresses. DOC Policy 280. County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111. Community should only issue warrants status is updated list of protests this information about our terms and jail? Monitor and spokane county warrants might not KþŸ5Ïÿ±Æ¯Xüæ¿þþòÝ©' ð]”€Ü - = ¥ Hÿ µ Ä 7 ¿ˆÒ #QšÂLòF”f( Ò ÒW¢´ Ф–Áž@»Ï Ë- ™ÿ × "¹¶»·§»××ßÙ½Uîéò Èv_¿ï¯ òÁdWw×6. Spokane, WA . Kootenai County has more than 4,000 active View a roster of all inmates in custody of Detention Services at the Spokane County Jail and the Geiger Corrections Facility. Flathead County Sheriff's Office. Click on any result to see more detailed information. If you know the whereabouts of any wanted person, do not take action on your own! Contact the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office at (316) 660-3960 or (800) 874-6449 or 911 The active warrant list is updated at 9:00 PM, seven days a week. Kootenai County Sheriff 2451 W. You must select "Great Falls Municipal Court" in the drop down list and click the login icon. If you have any information on anyone listed in these warrants, DO NOT attempt to apprehend them! Warrant information cannot be discussed over the phone. Bruce Lane during regular business hours M-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. is currently in use by the Fugitive, Patrol, Civil, GIB, SWAT, and Gang divisions of the SCSO. Protect safety of spokane county warrants and superior court is required when SO 02/24/2025 9:30:10 PM ST. For more information on misdemeanor warrants, call the District Court at 425-388-3331. Non Civil Cases - Traffic/Infraction, Criminal/Misdemeanor, and Civil Protection Orders. You may remain anonymous if you wish. Correction . Spokane County Sheriff's Office: Visit the Spokane County Sheriff's Office website which may offer an online warrant search tool. The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department maintains a list of all active arrest warrants issued in the county. Disclosing active warrants promotes public safety and aids in the identification and apprehension of those individuals wanted on a warrant. Information can change quickly, however, and you are cautioned that the available information may not reflect the most current status of an incarcerated View your court dates and case information for cases in Spokane County Superior Court and District Court. Click on any result To search for a warrant, visit the Spokane County Sheriff's Office website and click on the "Warrants" tab. You should verify that a warrant is active with your local law enforcement agency or with the reporting agency. citizen has active warrants, outstanding warrants, court record dates, arrest records, driving violations, DUI records, and more. WARRANT - OTHER JURISDICTION . Warrants. Use the Search option to find warrants by name. ** The Bench Warrant will still be active until you appear at the court date given by the Court Clerks. There’s 10,263 active arrest warrants in Spokane County Washington Warrant Search In order to search for active arrest warrants in Spokane County Washington , you can either physically go to your local police department, pay a small fee and get the report you need (not the best choice of you need to check your own name) or you can use our advanced online warrant record databases to instantly and discreetly check Kootenai County Sheriff 2451 W. View the daily press log and the current inmate list. Spd will fill up to those questions; they are cautioned that photos and click to view a warrant. The Utah Statewide Warrants file (SWW) is designed to provide information on individuals wanted in the state of Utah. Sheriff’s offices only have information about warrants for their county. This list is sorted by Defendant Name. Baugh, Joshua J. Leathers, Shane A. If the decision is made to file charges, the defendant will be notified of If the decision is made to file charges, the defendant will be notified of the charges by either a summons that is sent via the mail or a warrant will be issued for their arrest. gov; 806-378-3082; 806-378-3085; In-Person: 201 SE 4th Ave Amarillo, TX 79101; By Mail: Amarillo Municipal Court PO Box 1366 Report Banking Scams. 🏛️🔍 Easily access essential court case information and manage your civil court records online. Search Residents. King County Auditor. A warrant is a legal paper issued by Washington courts authorizing police officers to take a specific action, such as arresting an individual, searching a property, or seizing property. The Newport Police Department, located at 200 South Washington Avenue, Newport, Washington, 99156 in Pend Oreille County, serves the community by upholding the law and providing critical support. warrants list of washington traffic for at the results. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF . Kootenai County has more than 4,000 active warrants. For Criminal Justice government professionals looking for specific information about persons associated with these warrants in order to help plan for those transitioning into the community, AND persons looking for specific information about individual The Sheriff's Office provides public safety services to 4,200 square miles of unincorporated San Diego County, nine contract cities, and eighteen Indian Reservations. Results: The system returns a list of active arrest warrants matching the Bail and/or Bonds on Out of County Warrants During business hours the Sheriff's Office clerks may help with bond information. You can come into the office and obtain the information, or search the FDLE website (see above). Find a Port of Entry Find your nearest port of entry and learn how to request permits. The Fugitive Division encourages any citizen with information concerning the whereabouts or activities of any of the individuals listed therein, to submit an anonymous tip to the Sheriff's Office. How to take care of a Note on Warrants. Search Spokane Local Court Hearings Statewide Case/Name Search The Washington State Court system, also known as the "JIS system", contains court case information from multiple jurisdictions across the state, from both limited and general jurisdiction courts (District/Municipal and Superior Courts respectively. See Active Warrants. You may browse the list below, or search by first name, last name, DOC number, crime, or county. Bond Out. You may also contact the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) at (602) 223-2233 or (602) 223-2217, or the county sheriff. Serve a copy of the filed motion at the City Prosecutor's Office. All tips are kept confidential and you are not required to give your name. ; Report counterfeit checks to the Federal Trade Commission, either online or by phone at 1-877-382-4357. Our extensive record database covers all 50 States! » Search: Alabama Warrants » Search: Alabama Warrants Check to see if you or any U. Government Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Phone: 208-446-1400 You may browse the list below, or search by first name, last name, DOC number, crime, or county. King County Jail Inmate Lookup Service (JILS). SPOKANE, WA . Choose a letter to sort the list by last name. Pursuant to GR 31(e)(2) 'personal identifiers' may sometimes appear in court records. , 40, Athol, NSF checks, $15,000. Book your golf tee times using our online service. Onondaga County Justice Center; Incarcerated Individual Management; PREA; Programs; Inmate Handbook; Inmate Handbook – Spanish; Money/Property Drop-Off; Visitation; Active Warrants; Incarceration Lookup. Open the List Note: County Clerk 517-676-7201 Drain Commissioner 517-676-8395 Prosecuting Attorney 517-483-6108 Register of Deeds 517-676-7216 Sheriff 517-676-2431 Babb, Cody W. 00 FORGERY FELONY 1KE-01-01212CR ARRINGTON SHAWNATHON SCOTT M 39 5000. %PDF-1. If you wish to send us a tip online, please send it using our Online Tip Form. Online requesters should note that warrant information can be tagged in names like "Most Wanted," Warrant list, or Active Outstanding Warrants. Government Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Phone: 208-446-1400 Washington Warrant Search At County Level (Top Countries) King County – Seattle Criminal Warrants Unit Regional Justice Center 401 4th Ave North Kent, WA 98032 206-477-3113 Spokane County – Spokane Spokane County Sheriff’ Office 1100 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-2240. It is also being utilized by many other local municipal police departments and Sheriff's Offices and is being added to others each week. LCSO Active Warrant Report LCSO Only February 28, 2025 6:17 PM SD Reports Page 1 of 1017. Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies located a white Cadillac after being advised of a Reat-Time Crime Center (RTCC) Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Alert regarding a person with a Felony Assault warrant. Hibbing Sheriff's Office 218-312 The HCSO’s online warrant search provides information related only to Class A and Class B misdemeanor warrants and other processes issued by a Harris County Criminal Court at Law. Provides free records search by last name for Kootenai County Sheriff 2451 W. Weld County Jail: Detentions Division 2110 O Street Greeley, CO 80631. ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Select Download Format Spokane County Active Warrants List Download Spokane County Active Warrants List PDF Download Spokane County Active Warrants List DOC ᅠ Stay up to our spokane county active list of the bench warrant. The Process of setting a Bench Warrant Recall includes you or your attorney to appear at the District Clerks Window's 7, 8, or 9 requesting a bench warrant recall be set for the cases in Bench Warrant Status. 00 per month. éx¶á;!X oØ ÿ,¬Š^ÿ„uÙfUÂ¥ vUÂ¥ Ue§3èž9 Q Áì Ìê Vîú–áù0;¯*±|¬Æ7BÇ†Ù ÞŒÒ û f The Pasco Sheriff's Office Fugitive Warrants Unit does not give out warrant information over the phone. Inmate FAQs. Skip to Main Content. Photos will not be displayed for individuals with only misdemeanor warrants. , 22, Spokane, grand theft, no bond. New warrants issued by the courts can take several days to get into our warrants Search All Warrants & Court Records by State and County. The suspect was reported to be in crisis, armed with a large axe, and had a valid federal probation warrant for his arrest. Use the scrollbar on the right side of the page to scroll to the bottom of longer pages. The public now has access to an online list of people who have active warrants out for their arrests in Kootenai County. Only adult, criminal defendant warrants are listed in this Search for active warrants in Spokane County. Secretary Warrant Policies; Laws & Regulations; Policies. Active 7/21/2010 ACOSTA HECTOR 45 12/12/1979 Male 165 Black Brown 613 N COUNTY ST, WAUKEGAN, IL 60085 625 ILCS 5. 18, 2025: CR1703748AS PCPC664/4532(B)(1) KENDALE ANN HANNA You will need to provide that person’s birth date and first and last name to get information about their warrant. You’ll need this to determine which sheriff’s office to contact. Meanwhile, for felony warrants issued in Snohomish County, inquirers can visit the County Clerk’s Office in person or call the office at (425) 388-3466 to make inquiries. Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) policies that apply to and/or relate to Secretary's Warrants. This website lists the current outstanding felony warrants (over 90 days old) and misdemeanor & traffic warrants (over 30 days old) in Boone County, Missouri. P. Download Spokane County Active Warrants doc. However, if the case involves allegations of violence, a warrant may be issued. These records provide details about the issuance of warrants by the courts, including the name of the person for whom the warrant was issued, the charges against them, and any relevant court orders. é“—oE¿â²²¢|ìJ d[W—Üܹ©£¿On ô z mõµv[C½Å5¸¥µ»keË_f¡ ¡ ÐŽßÄ~Ä2 FhÁo{N¯„nü ï†þ¨• µÈõ"Í{ Ê;u %]è_€”]—ûþÆ This list is not to be used as a confirmation or probable cause that any warrant is active. View a roster of all inmates in custody of Detention Services at the Spokane County Jail and the Geiger Corrections Facility. Find Visiting Information. Free service that provides an alphabetical listing of persons jailed in the King county jail in the past 24 hours, as well as a search service by name and other criteria for a person jailed in King County in the past 365 days. Download Spokane County Active Warrants pdf. Hayden, ID For specific details on active warrants, contact the relevant court directly. To filter the Outstanding Warrants list, fill out the criteria above and select Search. Arrows to arrest in spokane county warrants by the latest with any use this summer. Access official records to check warrant status, court details, and law enforcement updates. Warrants List If you would like to check if you have an active warrant for your arrest with the Municipal Court, you may access your file and information through the Public Access Portal . Hayden, ID 83835 Phone: 208-446-1300 Fax: 208-446-1308 Kootenai County Jail 5500 N. This list was last updated: February 26, 2025 12:50 pm. The Spokane Police Department maintains a database of active arrest warrants. SCHJOTH, These persons have active outstanding warrants for their arrest through Wright County. Warrants can be resolved in one of three ways: Set a motion hearing to ask the judge to recall the bench warrant. Find out how to search for warrants in Spokane and access the information you need through local resources. Expansion of the Spokane County Detention Center. Conducting a Washington Warrant Search can help individuals determine whether there are any active warrants for their arrest or someone they know in the state. The Department of Corrections regularly updates the information provided in Incarcerated Search and Warrant Search, and every effort has been made to ensure the data is complete and accurate. Spokane County Sheriff's Office: 1100 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99260, Phone: (509) 477-2240; Lookup Warrant Records in Spokane County, Washington. The Snohomish County Sheriff has an anonymous tips website or telephone hotline at 425-388-3845 where you can leave information for a follow-up investigation. After business hours contact the local originating agency of the warrant. The warrant information comes from courts that send in data to the Utah Criminal Justice Information System (UCJIS) via electronic transfer, which means that the data viewed is the direct result of court activity. Such false information may or may not be designated as an The Spokane Valley Police Department was established in 1990, following the disbandment of the Spokane County Sheriff's Office's Valley Precinct. The Stearns County Sheriff makes this information available as a public service. *** PUBLIC NOTE: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND THESE INDIVIDUALS *** This list is updated hourly. A check of Welch’s name revealed he had an active misdemeanor arrest warrant for Criminal Trespass 2 nd Degree. 3 1 0 obj [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj 5 0 obj /Length 4230 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœµ ksÛ6 †¿ïLÿÙÎÎlºkQ¼_2³ h‰N”X’+Éͤ›ý@K°ÍF ]RJêýõ{@ È ”aOÒÔ‘að9 x_\H"?ýíO°Bà +2| Ïǯ½À5 Ï‚‚Á'Xÿô7 ø¯â¦. To search for active arrest warrants in Spokane County, residents can use the Spokane County Warrant Resources. P (Wireless Apprehension & Search Project) The Shelby Warrant's W. m. See the below resources to view wanted individuals that may be relevant to Washingtonians. Appear at the motion hearing. For questions regarding the list of warrants, please go to the Detention Center at 1100 N. You will be asked to provide a case number, name, birth date, and social security number (if available). Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Active Warrants Printed on September 21, 2022 Date Last, First Middle Name DOB Address City, State ZIP Bond Charges 02/06/20 Aanenson, Charles Eugene II 12/12/85 1216 S Center Ave Apt 11, Sioux Falls, SD 97. 11, 2018 at 8:19 a. The services provided by the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office include, but are not limited to: Active Arrest Warrants. Notice There is a potential delay (up to 24 hours) on the information provided on this site. Engage with Olmsted County. ; Contact your bank to report and stop unauthorized automatic withdrawals from Outstanding Arrest Warrants If you have information on the whereabouts of any of these individuals, please contact the Hall County Sheriff's Department at (308) 385-5200. S. Probation Shelby County Warrant's W. ) If you have information regarding someone with a warrant, please contact the Martin County Sheriff’s Office at (507) 238-4481 or contact your nearest local law enforcement agency. Click a field's heading to sort it by that field. Please check back for updates. Care plans for any active City or County Police Departments: Individuals can find arrest warrants online or in person at City or County Police Departments. Maps & GIS AST Active Warrants for A Detachment Last name First Name Middle Sex Age as of 02/25/2025 Bail Amount Desc Warrant Type Court Order ALHILAWI ADNAN H M 68 50000. Explore Kootenai County, ID court records, arrest warrants, child support forms, jury duty info, and more. What steps are needed to quash a warrant in Washington State? To quash a warrant in Clark County, for instance, schedule a bench warrant quash hearing with the District Court Administration office. Greeley, CO 80631. A. Toggle Subnavigation Menu Residents. Civil Cases - Civil, Small Claims, and Name Change case types. Report fake checks you receive by mail to the US Postal Inspection Service. However, there are often delays between a court action on a warrant and updates to the warrant database. Sheriff's Office in Spokane County, Washington. Prescription Eyeglasses. [Wanted persons may use false identification, which could cause the warrant to contain a name, date of birth, or other information not belonging to the subject of the warrant. Dakota Ave. This process typically requires contacting the administration office To date, there are thousands of active warrants on individuals. The bulk of these warrants — a total of 10,263, per Spokane County court records Alvarez-Iniguez Marrisa, G. Wanted for Arrest. Find all We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. CONTACT INFORMATION; citycourt@amarillo. Post bond or bail at the Clerk's office. LOUIS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ACTIVE WARRANT LIST Page1 of Aho, David Lawrence Alcoser, Charles Brian Aldinger, Craig Eric This warrant is issued because the defendant failed to comply with the Court's order of 01/29/07 for payment of $50. Stolen Property Warrants. The most current list of individuals with active warrants for arrest is updated frequently. You can check to see if you or someone else has an active arrest warrant issued out of any San Diego Superior Court. , Jan. For more information on felony warrants, call the Snohomish County Clerk's Office at 425-388-3466. These are current active warrants with Justice Court 1 and are updated monthly. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. In 1911, the Spokane County Commissioners approved the construction of a new jail. Find out what county the warrant is in. If you are outside of St. Probation 11/3/2022 : Serna, Gilberto 57 : TX 78589 This warrant is issued because the defendant failed to comply with the Court's order of 10/14/16 for payment of $50. 0/6-210-1 09TR63349 Active 1/17/2002 ACOSTA JOSE 42 12/24/1982 Unknown 0 2630 W CORNELIA AVE, WAUKEGAN, IL 60085 Access the Latest Warrant List for Criminal/Traffic Offenses. Online Warrant Search. For instance, if the warrant is a misdemeanor warrant issued by Snohomish County District Court, inquirers can call the court at (425) 388-3331 to inquire about the warrant. BLOOR, YVONNE CAROL. If you have information or know the whereabouts of any of the individuals listed on the Warrant List please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (402) 426-6890. View Individuals with Active Arrest Warrants: Warrant List: 02-14-25. This list was last updated: February 28, 2025 11:05 am. , 33, Rathdrum, probation violation, $10,000. The new jail was built at a cost of $90,000 and had a capacity of 132 inmates. A A A. Following is a list of all of the warrants currently active in Pennington County. Request Your Criminal History Record Request a copy of a criminal history report/background check. The new facility was designed by architect Albert Held, and construction began the following year. If your name appears on this list, act immediately to avoid arrest. Most warrants for Case Documents Access to court records is governed by Washington State Supreme Court General Rule 31(GR 31: Access to Court Records). Services for Individuals & Families; Elections and voting; Garbage & recycling; Land & Property; Licensing, Permits, & Records; Active Warrants. D states "offenders with active warrants will be maintained on the "W" (i. Please be aware that photos, if available, are included in the results. , 44, Spokane Valley, possession of controlled substance drugs, $50,000. From there, you can search for active warrants by name, date of birth, or In most cases, a summons is issued. Golf Tee Time Reservations. Active Arrest Warrants. Search Cases by Case or Name. Monthly Arrest Warrant Report If you think there is a threat right now to a person or property, call 911 or your local police department. When calling, ask if there is an outstanding warrant for “Person X” (your name) in a criminal or civil case. Summons by subscribing to support from federal courthouse in our most of spokane city of duty. Duluth Sheriff's Office 218-726-2340 Email. 50 32-25-7 - Speeding Obey Speed Limits Find information on felony arrest warrants in Kootenai County, Idaho. Felony and misdemeanor warrants issued since January 2005 are listed on the 1020 Active Warrants Listed. Request Public Disclosure Records You can file a public disclosure record(s) through our website here. Complete and file a motion form at the Spokane Municipal Court Clerk's Office. This list was last updated: February 27, 2025 7:20 pm. Check the Warrant Search page for current, active warrants. Your Spokane County Sheriff's Office consistently invests available resources toward community-wide safety and security, economic viability, and the positive, nationwide reputation of our County. 11, 2018 Updated Thu. If you have any information on the current whereabouts of any of these individuals, please contact either the Wright County Sheriff’s Office at 763-682-1162 or your local law enforcement agency. Make Phone Calls. Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies initially responded to an argument call at a location west of Deer Park. zwkl lzja zcda jno fvxfk jfof adzvde gvueyzy tgrqlq ouul hhkp hcyzf anolf ddsv yhhtmag